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Along with the award-winning story collection, All My Relations, and the non- fiction Here I Am a Writer , I have published fiction and non-fiction in numerous journals, periodicals, and anthologies, including Best American Short Stories. I’ve received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

I have taught fiction writing to undergraduates and graduate students at the University of Arizona, and for the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers.

For a sample of my fiction, go to…my Fiction page of website. (I can be literal-minded at times.) You may order All My Relations at UGA Press. Here I Am a Writer is available from Amazon.

I’m a receptive reader with inclusive tastes, who appreciates a variety of approaches in other writers, from experimental to traditional. As an editor, I express those appreciations as freely as my criticisms.

I guarantee I will immerse myself in your manuscript, responding to it both comprehensively and in detail. My first obligation is to grasp the intentions of your work, assess how well it succeeds on those terms, and suggest possible improvements. If I see unexplored possibilities in the manuscript, I will point these out also. If necessary, I will question the very intentions themselves. My goal is to help your work realize its fullest potential.

In short, I will engage with your writing as intensely as with my own. Don’t fear revision. It is the natural growth process of your writing.